| Bookmarks |  |
These links are called bookmarks because they are essential to the key concepts discussed on every message board about Initial D.
It should cover the basics and what a player needs to know and use for top competition.
Official Initial D Arcade Website
Everything about the game should be displayed here including courses, cars and parts, versions, news, etc.
Includes English translated versioin.
The largest resource of Initial D game info on the net.
Most information is available in Chinese only.
Official Initial D Movie Website
Official website of the live action Initial D movie.
Car Model Rankings
Updated car rankings per condition and per course. The ranks are determined from the results pulled from Internet Ranking. (Link updated Oct.2005)
*Use the translation page to help with understanding course names
Car Ranking Scoring System
Korean made IR scoring system, using Time attacks to rank each car on each course. Can be easily reached at initial-d.info
Internet Ranking (Japanese)
Player ranking page in Japanese.
Internet Ranking (English)
Again, player ranking page except in English.
kishu MultiCHECK IR (MCI)
A tool which scans an entire area of IR. Check all course rankings for Canada, USA West, Australia for example.
Initial-D.com Forums
The earliest Initial D Forum and active community of Other Area racers.
initiald.org Forums
The largest gathering of Initial D players, however, the main language medium is Chinese. (Link updated Oct.2005)
IGN Board on ID
Smaller population of players than GameFaqs, most are "new to the game" and "need hints and help".
GameFAQs Board on ID
Continuously ranked high on the gamefaqs board list, most new players tend to start here. (Widely thought of as not a good starting point)
Initial D Xtreme Forums
Forums for the general Initial D information site: ID Xtreme.
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